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The Dreaded Dojo
Anything Goes School of Martial Arts

The Anything Goes School of Martial Arts is based on one key point, Anything Goes as long as you win. Though it is not a very honorable form of attack, it is very potent. The two known Schools who study this form of Martial Arts are very skilled in their Art.

Tendo School

  • Soun Tendo
    Why hello there! Welcome to the Tendo Training Hall. I'm Soun Tendo and I will teach you in the ways of the Anything-Goes Techniques. I have acquired many over my years of training, but such an advanced student like yourself must be interested in the more complex tasks.
  • Super Secret Ninja Attack; Now You See Me, Now You Don't
    Master Happosai had both Saotome and I at his whim, so we set off to train for a greater technique that could be used to teach the Master a lesson once and for all. We came upon another Master, Master Chingensai, wise in the ways of the Anything Goes Techniques. He taught the both of us individual techniques of invisibility.
    My technique is no simple task. It took a week of digging to prepare my trench. Then when the moment arises I burrowed myself into the trench and covered myself with dirt using a garden trowel. Perhaps useful in psyching out your opponent, but not the devastating technique that we had sought.
  • Super Secret Ninja Tricks
    Here is a list of Ninja Strategies that Genma and I picked up from Chingensai.
    1. All things come to he who waits.
    2. To fool your enemy, it's first necessary to fool your friends.
    3. Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.
    4. Don't fix it if it ain't broke.
    5. If it is broke, make sure it stays that way!

  • Akane Tendo
    Okay, so maybe I'm not as good as Dad or the Saotomes or Ryoga... but with Ranma's help I have a few attacks that we've used to defeat strong opponents.
  • Dual Jet Stream Raging Waters Attack
    This is a technique that I use with Ranma where we lock arms and begin to flip each other and kick simultaneously. The result is one that shoots us up like a jet stream and drives both of us down hard at our enemy.
  • Hiryu Shoten Ha Revised Horrizontal Blast
    This is one of Ranma's most powerful attacks only it includes me! We used this to defeat the long lost Tendo girls. With the force of Ranma's Hiryu Shoten Ha being fired horrizontally instead of vertically I get pushed forward at a great speed. Ranma's repelled chi blast canceled out their powerful attack, which kept me from being hurt by both attacks and this left both opponents open to attack. At my rate of prepulsion I knocked them both out with a sharp kick. To do this move, unless you wanna be in my possition, you either have to learn the Hiryu Shoten Ha from Ranma or find someone who knows it. That's the best I can do.

  • Karumi "Tendo"
    Though it's true my older sister Natsuke and I are not the true daughters of Soun Tendo as we thought we were, we still have taken up the Tendo School of Martial Arts. Though we fight, train and teach together she is going to allow me to teach our most powerful combo and she will teach her smaller chi attack.
  • Final Attack; Death Spiral - Hiryu Carimbou
    We came upon this technique ourselves while training hard in the wilds of Japan. Much of it is my sister's doing for she is much more in tune with her powerful battle energy than I am, but she channels it through weapons and so we formed this technique as a devastating final attack. An attack that defeat both Ranma Saotome and Akane Tendo together.. once.
    I begin to twirl my battle ribbon that I've mastered with the years of training and it creates a spiral. Then Natsume fires a bolt of chi energy through the spiral also electrifying the ribbon and charging it with her chi. Thus the entire attack becomes one big chi blast, a devastating amount of energy.

  • Natsuke "Tendo"
    As my sister stated, we were both taken into the Anything Goes School by a man claiming he was our father and claiming to be Soun Tendo. He informed us when we were much younger that if we became the best at the Anyhting Goes Style we'd inheirit his dojo. So we trained most diligently. Karumi has already explained the attack we pride ourselves on so all that's left is the small, much weaker attack that I have created.
  • Wind Attack
    After learning to focusing my chi, I channeled it through my strange staff. Thus I created a small tornado that stings with an icy frost and throws an opponent from close range combat. It isn't much, but it's an interesting technique.

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